Course Description. The course includes the following information on innovative technologies:
- evaluating innovative technologies
- risk versus the benefit
- current usage
- U.S. EPA’s Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program
- California Certification Program
- introduction to technology life cycle
- publications and data bases
After an overview of technology descriptions, the course presents:
- applicable media and waste
- advantages,
- disadvantages
- limitations
- cost
- implementation
- treatment results
- lessons learned
- case studies
The course presents detailed case studies. For soil treatment, technologies include:
- thermal desorption
- deep in-situ soil mixing with simultaneous injection of treatment agents
- dynamic underground striping with steam injection
- electric heating and electrical resistance tomography
- bioventing
- ex-situ bioremediation
- soil washing
For groundwater treatment, the course details:
- in-situ microbial filter
- enhanced oxidation/reduction
- high-energy electron irradiation
- intrinsic bioremediation.
For the treatment of hydrocarbon vapors, the course addresses
- biofiltration
- internal combustion engine
- catalytic combustor
Course Outline.
* Definition of Innovative Technologies
* Risk/Benefit of Using an Innovative Technology
* California Certification Program
* Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program
* Use of New and Innovative Technology
* Considerations for Evaluating Innovative Technologies
* Innovative Technology Overview: Description, Applicable Media, Applicable Waste, Advantages, Disadvantages, Limitations
* Case Studies
* Summary of Case Studies
* Sources of Infornmation on New and Emerging Technologies
* Technology Life Cycle
Course Objectives. This course will give the participant a detailed knowledge of the issues involved with using innovative technologies to clean up Superfund sites and provide the know-how for applying these new and emerging solutions to attain a faster, more effective, and less costly cleanup.
The course is designed for remedial project managers, project engineers and geologists, site managers, environmental attorneys, Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Energy (DoE) facility managers and staff, regulators, consultants, contractors, and students.
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