Course Description. This course gives participants a detailed knowledge of the technical, regulatory, and economic issues of waste minimization and pollution prevention that make it today’s business strategy of choice, including:
- Economic and regulatory benefits
- Source reduction
- Improved operating practices
- Process modification
- Material substitution
- Product substitution
- Recycling
- Federal waste minimization and pollution prevention (P2) programs
- Regulatory requirements
- Dow Chemical’s WRAP program
- Waste reduction assessment
- Preassessment review
- Process understanding
- Data organization to guide decisions
- Perretto chart analysis
- Project implementation
- ESOHMIS data base
- Software to prioritize waste minimization projects
- Roadmap program
- Solvent substitution and alternative cleaners
- Waste minimization operations for various processes:
- Industrial cleaning
- Depainting
- Painting
- Plating
- Etching
- Wood finishing
- Auto body
- Radiator repair
- Circuit board populating
- Hewlett-Packard Company’s CFC elimination and solid waste reduction
- General case study examples and problem solving exercises
- Emerging issues such as life cycle analysis, P2 as a component of business management, new techniques and new methods, measurement for P2, green products, and ISO 14000.
This course ends with a guided tour of state-of-the-art facility accomplishments in waste minimization and pollution prevention.
Course Outline
* Waste Minimization Introduction and Benefits
- Pollution prevention definition
- Waste minimization definitions
- Management incentives - management commitment
- economic
- regulatory
- cursory waste reduction incentives - management commitment
- Source reduction
- improved operating practices
- - cost accounting
- - inventory management
- - scheduling
- - material handling and loss prevention
- - waste stream segregation
- - education and involvement
- technology and process modification
- material substitution and material purification
- product substitution and product conservation
- Recycling
- on-site
- off-site
- waste exchange
- energy recovery
* U.S.EPA Pollution Prevention/Waste Minimization Program
- RCRA - Hazardous waste management (waste codes)
- Emergency Planning and C ommunity Right-to-Know, SARA Title III, (waste ingredients - Form R reporting)
- Pollution Prevention Act 1990
- Clean Air Act Amendments 1990
- EPA Pollution prevention strategy
- national policy
- cornerstone of the environmental strategy
- 33/50 Program
- Common Sense Initiative
- Design for the Environment - demonstration projects
- Executive orders
* DTSC Video: “Why Waste, Waste Minimization for Today’s Businesses”
* Regulatory Requirements
- Introduction
- Applicability
- General Requirements
- Source Reduction Evaluation Review and Plan
- plan requirements
- hazardous waste streams
- data organization
- processes
- matrix analysis of alternatives
- source reduction measures
- implementation timetable
- numerical goal
- Plan summary
- Compliance checklist
- Progress report
- Hazardous Waste Management Performance Report
- Report Summary
- Certification
- Trade secret protection
- Other requirements
* Dow Chemical Video: “Waste Reduction Assessment”
* Waste Reduction Assessment
- Effective corporate program - Dow Chemical’s WRAP program
- Pre-assessment review - using facility documentation
- Tracking of hazardous materials and waste
- the cornerstone of the program - data management
- understanding the process
- organize the data to guide decisions
- Dow Chemical video: “Hazardous Waste Management Tracking System”
- Perretto Chart Analysis
- 80/20 rule
- look at all sources, see what contributes the most waste
- brainstorming
- - involving staff on the shop floor
- - educate staff
- match resources
- - money
- - people
- implement the project
- impact on the waste
- reiteration
* General Case Study Examples and Problem Solving Exercises
* Industrial Cleaning
- Solvent substitution
- look at cleaning solvents
- cleaning applications
- - vapor degreasing
- - cold cleaning
- - electronics
- alternative cleaners
- - chemical substitutes
- - methods of employing chemical substitutes
- - process alternatives to chlorinated solvents
- 1. no-clean technologies
- 2. cleaning with other media
- 3. water-based cleaning
- Industrial operations
- understanding the mechanism behind waste generation
- similarities between industries
- - machining
- - painting
- - plating
* Material Side of Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention at McAFB
- Overview of initiatives
- Four processes that generate 80% of the waste
- cleaning
- depainting
- painting
- plating
- Material substitution
- Software to prioritize waste minimization projects
- the use of weighting factors
- economic output
- - present value
- - return on investment
- Roadmap Program
- EPA 33/50 Program
- Recycling
- oiltration
- - plating baths
- - degreasers
- distillation
- other
* Tracking of Hazardous Materials and Waste at McAFB - ESOHMIS data base
- Planning the material request - pharmacy concept
- Tracking the material inflow
- Tracking the material outflow
- Performing the TRI
- Performing AB 2588
* Engineering Side of Waste Minimization & Pollution Prevention at McAFB - Operations
- Depainting
- plastic bead recycling
- garnet grit vitrification
- water blast
- Plating
- chrome recycle, lead pullout
- ion vapor deposition of aluminum
- electrowinning - lessons learned
- Cleaning
- supercritical CO2 extraction
- hermetically sealed vapor degreaser
- Etching - continuous recycle of caustic etchant
- Painting/MEK - lesson learned
- Contracting - lesson learned
* Pollution Prevention at a Research Facility
* Hazardous and Solid Waste Minimization at Hewlett-Packard
- CFC elimination project
- no clean system
- water clean system
- vendor CFC-free certification
- On-site solid waste reduction
- in-house material reuse
- strides in packaging reduction
- reduction of paper by using e-mail and online data bases
- In-house application of U.S.EPA’s “Pollution Prevention Opportunities”
* Practical Pollution Prevention Applications Facilitated by the Small Business Assistance Center
- Changing to water-borne coatings
- wood finishers
- auto body finishers
- Closed-loop wastewater treatment system for radiator repair facilities
- Implementation of source reduction measures at plating facilities
* Pollution Prevention/Waste Minimization Resources
- DTSC, Office of Pollution Prevention and Technology Development
- waste stream and industry specific studies and strategies/technologies
- hazardous waste reduction loan program
- education and outreach programs
- publications
* Emerging Issues
- Life cycle analysis
- P2 is an environmental strategy, a component of business management
- trade offs of new materials
- New Techniques and New Methods
- Measurement for Pollution Prevention
- Green Products/Green Labeling
- ISO 14000
* Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention Tour at McClellan Air Force Base
Course Objectives. Attendees learn that, historically, hazardous waste management activities have been aimed at addressing pollution once it has occurred---end of the pipe solutions. Attendees comprehend that the recent successes in P2 and waste minimization have demonstrated the source reduction of pollutants and the economic and regulatory benefits of recycling.
The course is designed for plant managers, business owners, manufacturing and process engineers and technicians, environmental attorneys, regulators, Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Energy (DoE) facility managers and staff, consultants, and students.
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